Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Beckman (2015-2018): the goal of this contract concerns the strategic and operational planning for medical laboratories (Phd of Sohrab Faramarzi).

  • Strat&Logic (2012-2016): the objective of this CIFRE contract is the optimization of economic decisions in a competitive business management simulator (Phd of S. Dufourny).

  • PIXEO (2014-2018): the objective of this bilateral project is the predictive models and knowledge extraction for insurance web comparator (Phd of A-L. Bedenel).

  • Alicante (2014-2017): the objective of this CIFRE contract is the design of new optimization methods to extract knowledge from hospital data (Phd of M. Vandromme)

  • Intel (2015-2016) Bilateral academic and research partnarship between Université Lille 1 and Intel. In this context, Intel provides Lille 1 with training and technical support for the dissemination of its activities related to High Performance Computing.

  • Nvidia (2016) Nvidia GPU Research Center, (see: https://developer.nvidia.com/academia/centers/universit%C3%A9-lille-1).